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+1 773-655-8553
7115 Virginia Road, Suite 111 Crystal Lake, Illinois
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
Sunday CLOSEDNewsletter
+1 773-655-8553
7115 Virginia Road, Suite 111 Crystal Lake, Illinois
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
Sabian Symbol for 7* of Scorpio “SCORPIO 7°): DEEP-SEA DIVERS. KEYNOTE: The will to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes. This symbol essentially refers to depth psychology — a coming to terms with the collective Unconscious and its contents.
The Sun ,Venus and Mercury make a party in Taurus ♉, together with the planet of unexpected surprises-Uranus! As a result, what comes to light in the Scorpio Moon ,may be shocking, unprecedented, and perhaps even scandalous.
This Moon stretch us out of our comfort zones. Uranus is strongly highlighted and we are challenge to fund the unique ,creative way to overcome the obstacles and the old outdated structures in our life.
Mars is charged with too much emotional energy in ♋ but it helps us to be more determined and take the necessary steps in order to protect our family, our possessions and create safe environment for ourself!
This Full Moon in ♏ Scorpio is linked to the New Moon in November 15 th, 2020 when we were given the chance to start rebuilding and transforming the old unsatisfied structure in our personal and professional life.
Like every Full Moon ,this one in Sign of Scorpio refers to the time of Endings and make a room for the New!
Astro Spa is Skin/ Body /Soul Wellness boutique. Our primary goal is to facilitate health and beauty from the inside out.
7115 Virginia Road, Suite 111 Crystal Lake, Illinois
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
Sun 9.00 - 17.00